A Brief Hello is better than an Extended Parting

Welcome to the wondering journey of my experience. At least to begin with this will focus on a small group I am co-leading. So you can "play along at home". Who knows where it will go...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Nothing to see here :)

Just an update, The Coed small group is still progressing. We have changed mediums to clay, so it is hard to show in the same way how you can play at home.
However! I will be posting a summary of lessons learned of the past few sessions.

In working with clay I find that the connection with the object adds to the experience. It had been easy for me, when asked, "What is...?" to respond with a pat answer. To just repeat what I had heard, or said myself many times. To attempt to translate the concept into a three dimensional image allowed those easy answers to become utterly insufficient.

Peace, Joy, Love

What is peace?
The rippling waters of the ocean, the shelter that brings wholeness.

What is joy?
The heart taking flight, the moment when gravity loses it's hold.

What is love?
A scared imperfect heart whose brokenness allows the love to spread, as a seed breaks away from it's source of nourishment to die so that a new live would be created.

Love Love Love

What is the love of self, the love for community and the love for the world?

Love of self is the embrace that is never tight enough and lasts all too short making the cold air all the more chilling when the hug ends.

Love for community is the warm chain that binds causing sleepless nights, hard goodbyes, and awkward hellos.

Love for the world is a warm glade that fills with mist, cold breezes and seems to never be big enough to fill the space between as the trees creek and sways threatening to fall, yet never touching the ground.

What is the love, peace, hope that is just out of reach?

The search for the ever changing lizard who blends into all surroundings; never found, ever sought, and always present, though invisible.

So what? How does changing the lens we see life through alter the things themselves which merrily go about their business unchanged, unaltered and utterly unaffected?

Being changed is all we can hope for, all we can ask of ourselves, and all that is ever really possible.

I change, We change, the world is not the same.